Michel Amyot
Founding partner | CPA auditeur, CA
Courriel : michel@amyotgelinas.com
Téléphone : 450 971-1550 ext. 3008 / 514 386-8473
Linkedin :
After obtaining his chartered accountant license, Michel Amyot quickly became a partner in a national firm. In 1994, he founded Amyot Gélinas with his long-time friend Christian Gélinas.
Michel has been committed for over 26 years—day in and day out—to building the firm and contributing to its clients’ success. A visionary, Michel forged the very identity of Amyot Gélinas, which now provides all the services SMEs and public and parapublic organizations require.
He has instilled in Amyot Gélinas’ large team the importance of listening to clients and creating lasting relationships, beyond a specific assignment.
This humble leader always puts his team first and values cooperation and group strength over individual contributions. Nonetheless, he is most certainly key to the Laurentian and Lanaudière business communities.
Michel is a passionate go-getter, who has taken the firm where no one thought it would go: to being one of the most important firms in Quebec!
- Audit, Certification
- Advisory services
Private business
BBA, HEC Montréal